About the Author

What else could you possibly want to know? You already have the specific date on which I was born; for whatever difference it makes, that date (at 8:08 a.m.) means that I’m a Leo with a Scorpio moon (15° 13’), making my debut (butt first) in the Year of the Tiger. (Several years ago, a doctor’s chart noted, “A very pleasant although intense gentleman.”)

I’ve told you plenty about where I grew up, who’s in my family, where I went to school, and all of that sort of stuff. You can calculate my likely height and weight at any given age. I’ve let you know what gives me credibility (and what does not). You also know a whole lot about what I enjoy (and what I do not). So let’s try this:

Tracy Cameron Mansfield was born in Castro Valley, California. Since the early 90s he has lived with his family in and around Eugene, Oregon. He is a dog person with occasional cats, plus various visiting animals that wander by.

His first not-a-goldfish pet was a red-haired guinea pig named Fluffy, whom my mom bought from Deborah Wakeman for $6.00 (along with the cage) on Tuesday, June 2, 1970. Deborah was a neighbor and classmate.

There. I think that tidies up any loose ends.

Okay, fine, all except for the traditional author bio photo... so here:

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