«  Heavenly Ymages  »

Learning something new is often boosted by what we have already learned about something else. Illustrative examples are common, and work great… when they’re not misleading. What follows are just such examples. They reflect my spirituality.

Saving Worms

If I come across a worm heading away from the garden, and out into the street (for example), I carefully pick it up and put it back on the surface of the soil.

If the worm really wanted to get to the asphalt, that would be very frustrating for it; nonetheless, I hope that I might receive similar considerateness.

But I also know that there are some days when the parking lot is full of wet worms that are waterlogging, and I just can’t save them all.


The God of The Bible first appears in the guise of another human being, then physically withdraws to greater distances (in succession) as a pillar of smoke, a burning bush, some aspect of his son, and then as the Spirit as intercessor.

That’s sort of how parenting is supposed to work, or any sort of scaffolding into independence and autonomy.

The Shape of Angels

I don’t really have anything to say about this yet. It’s just an ymage that arrived unexpectedly and caught my attention.


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