Sources and Suggested Reading

Much of this list is frozen in the late 90s because I got busy doing other stuff, but it represents fundamental work in the field of semeiognomy.

You’re also going to want to get yourself a fairly good grounding not only in canonical religious and philosophical material, but contemporary skeptical works as well.


Computational Intelligence

“This leading international journal promotes and stimulates research in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). Covering a wide range of issues - from the tools and languages of AI to its philosophical implications - Computational Intelligence provides a vigorous forum for the publication of both experimental and theoretical research, as well as surveys and impact studies. The journal is designed to meet the needs of a wide range of AI workers in academic and industrial research.”

Cognitive Linguistics

“COGNITIVE LINGUISTICS presents a forum for linguistic research of all kinds on the interaction between language and cognition.”


Aron, Elaine N (1997) The Highly Sensitive Person. [ISBN 0553062182]

Armstrong, David F (1995) Gesture and the Nature of Language. [ISBN 0521467721]

Bolinger, Dwight (1974) Meaning and Form. Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol 3, Issue 2, Series II, pp. 218-233. []

Bolinger, Dwight (1977) Meaning and Form. English Language Series, Title No. 11. Randolph Quirk (gen. ed.). London, England and New York, NY: Longman Group Limited. [ISBN 058255103X]

Cain, Susan (2012) Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking. [ISBN 0307352153]

Chafe, Wallace L (1994) Discourse, Consciousness, and Time. [ISBN 0226100545]

Fauconnier, Gilles (1985) Mental Spaces: Aspects of meaning construction in natural language. [ISBN 9780521444996]

Givón, Talmy (1984) Syntax. [ISBN 0915027089]

Goldberg, Adele E (1996) Conceptual Structure, Discourse, and Language. [ISBN 1575860406]

Goldberg, Adele E (1995) Constructions. [ISBN 0226300862]

Gomez, Emilio; Iborra, Oscar; De Córdoba Serrano, María José; Juárez-Ramos, V; Rodríguez Artacho, M.A.; and Rubio, José. (2013) The Kiki-Bouba Effect A Case of Personification and Ideaesthesia. Journal of Consciousness Studies. Vol 20, Numbers 1-2, pp. 84-102(19).

Greenberg, Jill (2006) Monkey Portraits. [ISBN 9780316005128]

Harris, Randy Allen (1993) The Linguistics Wars. [ISBN 019509834X]

Hauser, Marc D (1996) The Evolution of Communication. [ISBN 0262082500]

Iacobini, Marco (2008) Mirroring People. [ISBN 0374210179]

Jahn, Robert G, and Dunne, Brenda J (1987) Margins of Reality: the Role of Consciousness in the Physical World. [ISBN 9781936033003]

Johnson, Julia, and Mansfield, Tracy (2001) Similarity measures for natural language images. In M. Gabbouj (Ed.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Services: Vol. 3 (pp. 69-74). Tampere, Finland.

Lambrecht, Knud (1994) Information Structure and Sentence Form. [ISBN 0521587042]

Lakoff, George (1987) Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things. [ISBN 9780226468044]: idealized cognitive models (ch. 4) and radial categorization (ch. 6)

Lakoff, George and Mark Johnson (1999) Philosophy in the Flesh. [ISBN 0465056733]

Langacker, Ronald W (1991) Concept, Image, and Symbol. [ISBN 9783110172805]: discourse model, particularly 3.1.1

Langacker, Ronald W (1987) Foundations of Cognitive Grammar (v1&2). [ISBN 0804712611/19098]

Langacker, Ronald W (2008) Cognitive Grammar: a basic introduction. [ISBN 9780195331950; 9780195331967 pbk]

Levin, Beth (1993) English Classes and Alternations. [ISBN 0226475336]

Levine, Mel (1993) All Kinds of Minds. [ISBN 0838820905]

Levine, Mel (1994) Educational Care. [ISBN 0838819877]

Levine, Melvin (1998) Developmental Variation and Learning Disorders. [ISBN 0838819923]

Magnus, Margaret (1999) Gods of the Word: Archetypes in the Consonants. [ISBN 0943549523]

Mansfield, Tracy (1997) Prominence: from Sensation to Language. [UMI 9820869]

McNeill, David (1992) Hand and Mind. [ISBN 0226561348]

Nippold, Marilyn (2007) Later Language Development. [ISBN 141640211X] (See also the articles in the American Journal of Speech Language Pathology, 2007-2009.)

Ohala, John (1987) Cross-language use of pitch: An ethological view. Phonetica, Vol 40, pp. 1-18.

Roy, Parama (2010) Alimentary Tracts. [ISBN 9780822348023]

Ruhlen, Merritt (1994) The Origin of Language. [ISBN 0471584266]

Schiffman, Harvey R (1982) Sensation and Perception. [ISBN 0471082082]

Schwartz, Bennett L (2002) Tip-of-the-Tongue States. [ISBN 0805834451]

Shermer, Michael (2011) The Believing Brain: from Ghosts and Gods to Politics and Conspiracies. [ISBN 0805091254]

Smith, Tiffany W (2016) The Book of Human Emotions. [ISBN 1781251304]

Tomasello, Michael, and Slobin, Dan I (Eds.) (2005) Beyond Nature-Nurture: Essays in Honor of Elizabeth Bates. [ISBN 9780805850277]

Van Hoek, Karen (1997) Anaphora and Conceptual Structure. [ISBN 0226848930]

Vesterinen, Rainer (2006) Subordinação adverbial: um estudo cognitivo sobre o infinitivo, o clitico SE e as formas verbais finitas em proposições adverbias do Português Europeu. [ISBN 9171551956]

Watkins, Calvert (1985) The American Heritage Dictionary of Indo-European Roots. [ISBN 0395360706]

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