
From time to time, a new word will pop into my head (e.g., a portmanteau, sniglet, nomalgam, preprotologism, and so on). While some of them turn out to be reinventions, others are unique (i.e., a true idiologism). If such an item shares the form of an existing word (however unconventional), then I will only list it here if the meaning varies (from ones found in the likes of the Urban Dictionary, for example).

Why bother to record them? I don’t know, really. It’s just fun. And I suppose that it might be my version of hoarding.

And then of course there are the creations needed in my various explorations.

Occasionally, I find it useful to discuss the ways in which the definition of an existing word has changed in my individual use.

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anifest (a., v.)

1. to boldly flow whence no sun has glown before.

[PIE *hehno- (“ring”) > Latin ānus (“ring”, “anus”)] + [PIE *dʰer- (“to hold”) > PEI *dʰers- (“to be bold”) > Latin -fest] (“boldly of the anus”)

anifestation (n., pl. anifestations)

1. an anifest emanation.

See anifest.

atmosphairy (n. and a.)

1. a kind of sylphy air elemental fairy.

portmanteau “atmosphere + fairy”… turns out that there was a band with a very similar name

detoxymoron (n., pl. detoxymorons)

1. a type of quack who treats an indiscriminate toxin as a remedy (e.g., injecting bleach to cure COVID, or watching FOX “news” to combat ignorance).

portmanteau “detox + oxymoron + moron”

hwimsicore (n., pl. hwimsicores; adj. hwimsicorical)

1. an aesthetic (-core) whose central existence is characterized by an activist, irreverent, antiestablishment whimsy.

portmanteau “whimsy- + -core” (with a retroversion to “hw-“ to distinguish from “whimsicore”)

Hydra oil (n.)

1. a set of quack products that proliferates from the residue of a fraudulent product (snake oil) that has been debunked.

idiologism (n., pl. idiologisms)

1. a word peculiar to one individual (and possibly peculiar) person.

Ancient Greek ἴδιος > ἴδιο- ( “of one person”) + λόγος (“word”) + -ισμός (nominalizer)

presoblemania (n., pl. prosblemanias)

1. the compulsive urge to give offense.

Ancient Greek προσβλη ( “insult”) + μανία (“mania”)

rectoplasm (n., pl. rectoplasms)

1. an anifestation of a spirit from a mystic medium.

portmanteau “recto-“ + “-ectoplasm”

sake (n.)

1. a reason of/for (both in the sense of benefit and simple purpose)

IE *sag- (“to investigate”> “seek”) > OE sacu ( “legal case/cause, crime, guilt”) > ME sake (“case” in law/equity)

The notion of a “sake” is unusual. Although it is something that one possesses (e.g., “our sake”), we no longer use the word to talk about it in a direct manner (n.e.g., “we have a sake”); instead, there is a preferred expression of intent: “for our sake,” “for goodness’ sake,” and so on. It’s as if the word changed over time precisely to mean:

“an imprecise state of ‘behalfness’ about which to be purposeful in consideration.”

Conventionally, your well-being is something more concrete (than a “sake”) about which I can be concerned; that is to say, I would not (typically) be worried about your sake (as a thing in itself)… but rather for your sake (i.e., that its condition be of benefit to you). Or we might engage in a discussion for the sake of argument (i.e., that would be our purpose), but probably not about the sake of argument.

Having said that, this entry exists precisely because this process of  treating a sake as an object of observation (in its own right) has led to the loosening of those very constraints; for example, where up until now I have only been concerned for the other person’s sake, I am now at a point where I am concerned about the other person’s sake.

semeiognomy (n.)

1. the study of communication in terms of symbol systems and cognition, appealing to the symbolic nature of communication.

Ancient Greek σημειο- ( “signal”) + -γνώμιa  [(“knowledge”) < γιγνωσκειν (“to know”)]

ymage (n., and derivations ymagine, ymaginary, ymagination, and so on)

1. a sensory image that is not just visual in nature.

orthographic differentiation of English “image”

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